GRASP’s Partner School Divisions

To find your GRASP advisor’s name and email address, select your school division from the list below.

If you or your child attends one of our partner schools, you may contact your school counseling office or email your school’s GRASP Advisor to make an appointment. If you are not at one of our schools or if you are not able to meet during school hours, we have an alternative virtual schedule. We offer virtual appointments at convenient times to fit your schedule! We currently have appointments available in the afternoons and/or evenings on Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. 

 If you prefer assistance with scheduling, feel free to contact our main office at or call us at (804) 923-0059.

School Division Partners:

Independent and Regional school Partners:

CodeRVA Regional High SchoolMaggie L. Walker Governor's SchoolNorthstar Academy

*In Harrisonburg and Rocktown, GRASP administers the SOAR Virginia Program but not our in-school financial aid advising program.

Book a virtual advising appointment if we don’t have a GRASP advisor in your school or if you are a returning student currently enrolled in a post secondary institution.

Questions? Contact Patti Feyerabend, Assistant Director of Advising, at